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Residents of Joseph House are urged to seek hose support

YOUR development, which will see Harlow town center completely transformed, has sparked concern among residents whose homes are at risk of demolition.

Major plans are being developed to transform Harlow town centre.

As a result, residents of Joseph Rank House on Kitson Way received a letter from the building’s owners notifying them of their intention to demolish the block.

The residents of the apartments shared their worries about finding new housing and shared them with the city executive committee.

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A council spokesman said: “Last week we became aware of the situation at Joseph Rank House.

“This meeting has been proposed by Places to People so that they can let us know their intentions and that they will be engaging with residents.

“They have assured us that they will do their best to work with all residents individually to support them in their new accommodation.

“In the first instance, residents should contact Places for People directly to arrange individual discussions.

“We understand that this news is concerning to the residents of Joseph Rank and we will continue to work closely with Places for People.

“We will provide the necessary support where appropriate for those who need our help with their housing situation and are already discussing this with Places for People.”


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