
Talks needed soon on Stormont reform, former NI secretary says

Alliance partywhich designates itself as neither nationalist nor unionist and did not enjoy support in the last election.

“This should be seen as the greatest success of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. But if the Agreement does not evolve further, under current rules, if Alliance and its vote share continues to grow, it will never have the right to nominate the First or Deputy First Minister.

Democracy It cannot be successful if it is installed in tram lines that can never be crossed.”

“However, the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement was written in such a way that it could develop. We must be honest about the fact that it was a brilliant framework for peace but is proving a poor foundation for effective government,” he wrote.

“The question we must dare to ask ourselves is: What next? How can the agreement evolve to better support an effective and resilient government for all the people of Northern Ireland? How must the structure of


Earlier reviewed the reforms of the post-Friday Agreement institutions after reflecting changes in Northern Ireland.

Mr Lewis said the reform debate would have to wait amid the current crisis, but should happen “this year”.

“However, we must have these conversations this year. It is vital for the future of our UK, and for all of us who care so passionately about the place of Northern Ireland.”

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