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Man lures ex to east London street before stabbing her 18 times


a man lured his ex-girlfriend to him east london main street before stab her 18 times in a frenzied attack that left her fighting for her life.

Robin Ibrahim, 28, asked his ex to meet him outside a bank in Hornchurch High Street on June 28, 2021, saying he was going to repay her a significant amount of money he owed her.

After the conversation outside the bank, they headed to a nearby parking lot, where the victim parked her car so that Ibrahim could hand over the promised money.

But on arriving at the car park, Ibrahim grabbed a knife from his bag and attacked the victim as she fell on the side of her car.

He stabbed her 18 times before being stopped by brave bystanders, including the woman’s sister.

Police attended the scene and arrested Ibrahim on suspicion of attempted murder and possession of an offensive weapon. Two days later he was charged.

The victim was rushed to the hospital with possible life-threatening injuries and underwent emergency surgery.

Some 21 months later, she is still recovering from her injuries.

Ibrahim, of Brock Place, Bow, pleaded guilty to attempted murder and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place at Basildon Crown Court on September 22.

On March 10, at the same court, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Scotland Yard Detective Constable Ollie Jones, an investigator from the Eastern District Community Protection Team, described Ibrahim’s attack on his ex-girlfriend as “brutal and sustained”.

“I believe Ibrahim would have continued his savage attack if members of the public, including the victim’s sister, had not come to her aid and detained Ibrahim until the police arrived,” he said in a statement.

“Aware of how dangerous Ibrahim was, officers from the Eastern Region Public Protection Team and CID worked together to carry out rapid investigations to gather enough evidence to charge him.

“Ibrahim eventually realized that the evidence against him was overwhelming and that he had no choice but to plead guilty to his heinous actions. crime.

“I would like to thank the victim for the bravery she has shown throughout.

“I hope that Ibrahim being in prison for a significant amount of time gives her some small measure of closure.

“I would also like to thank members of the public for the courage they showed in coming to the victim’s aid that day, preventing her from further injury or worse.”


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