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Teen convicted of criminal behavior apologizes after ‘joke’ on TikTok

A teenager who was fined hundreds of pounds after breaking into a home as part of TikTok the “humorous” video drew an apology.

Bacary-Bronze O’Gara, 18, known as Mizzy, of Manor Road, Hackney, Londondescribed his actions as “having fun” but said he “felt bad” and therefore apologized.

He appeared at Thames Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, where he pleaded guilty to one count of failing to comply with a community protection notice.

Speaking further Piers Morgan uncensored on TalkTVthe teenager said: “I wouldn’t call it terrorism, I’d rather call it entertainment.

“But let me get this out of the way first, I beg your pardon. You see this situation that went viral on the internet, like when I went to random houses, the next day I apologized because I felt sick.’

Warinder Hare, prosecuting, told the court that O’Gara was given a community protection notice on May 11 last year and that two of his conditions were that he not trespass on private property.

Ms Hare said he breached that notice by entering the home on May 15 this year.

“He went to the victim’s home address,” she said.

“The door of the property was open.

“Mr O’Gara entered the property and immediately went down the stairs.

“He was stopped by the owner of the house.

“He went into the living room. He sat down on the couch and said, “Where is the study group?”

He caused the family a lot of suffering

Varinder Hayre, Prosecutor

Ms Hare said: “He was asked to leave several times by both the victim and the husband.”

She added: “It was discovered that he was filming the whole incident for a TikTok trend about breaking into random houses.”

Ms Hare said: “He has caused the family a lot of distress.

“You can see the faces of the couple and their two young children.”

She told the court that the mother was under the impression that O’Gara was attempting to steal, adding that the mother takes her family’s privacy “very seriously”.

“It caused great concern for the victim,” Ms Hare said.

Lee Sergent, mitigating, said O’Gara had apologized to the family.

He said that his client was brought up in a single family and had a difficult upbringing.

“Mr O’Gara grew up in a single-parent household,” Mr Sergeant said.

“He had an extremely difficult childhood.

“He’s a smart young man and a young man with some potential.”

He said his client does not work or study but receives universal credit.

Mr Sergent added that his client had created some legitimate content on social media, including playing games and discussing conspiracy theories.

Judge Charlotte Cringle handed O’Gara a two-year criminal behavior order.

The order stipulated that O’Gara must not directly or indirectly post the video on social media without the documented consent of the people featured in the content, that he must not trespass on private property and that he must not visit the Westfield Center in Stratford. .

She also ordered O’Gara to pay a £200 fine, £80 victim surcharge and £85 costs, making a total of £365.


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