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After the death of Linda Hawthorne, the date of the midterm elections became known

Cllr Hawthorn died in May after representing the ward for more than 30 years as a member of the town’s Residents’ Association.

Read more: Council’s Heritage List criteria survey opens

A spokesman for Havering Council said the by-election is due to take place on August 10.

Residents who are not on the electoral roll must register to vote by Tuesday, July 25.

Under the new voting rules, voters, the spokesman said, will have to demand valid photo ID at polling stations.

Residents who do not have one can apply for a voter ID card, which can be applied for online or by mail.

The council said the Electoral Office can be contacted on 01708 432444 to make a paper application. The deadline for obtaining a new voter ID card is 5:00 p.m. Wednesday (August 2).

Residents wishing to vote by post have been asked by the council to apply by 5pm on July 26. The deadline for proxy votes is 5pm on Wednesday 2 August.

Ballots will be delivered to all eligible voters. On August 2, polling stations will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

More information about the midterm elections can be found at www.havering.gov.uk/elections or phone 01708 432444.


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