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Why are London firearms officers laying down their guns? – podcast | News

Last September, a Metropolitan police operation led to the killing of Chris Kaba, an unarmed 24-year-old man, by a firearms officer in south-east London. Last week, the officer identified only as NX121 was charged with murder.

The Guardian’s crime correspondent, Vikram Dodd, tells Michael Safi that the decision to prosecute a colleague for murder has led to dozens of officers putting down their weapons and asking for clarity about their duties.

On Sunday, the home secretary, Suella Braverman, said: “We depend on our brave firearms officers to protect us from the most dangerous and violent in society. In the interest of public safety they have to make split-second decisions under extraordinary pressures.”

It is not the only controversy to hit armed officers in London. A recent review found that armed officers fostered “some of the worst cultures, behaviours and practices” as well as spending money on unnecessary equipment such as night-vision goggles and camouflage clothing.

Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

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