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Young journalists: charity shopping, old-fashioned or fashionable?

Let's say you're walking around Kingston or a small town, desperately looking for somewhere to shop, something new, somewhere exciting, and in your desperate search you pass a few charity shops, perhaps called 'cancer research UK' or ' brity heart”. founded ” or even ” oxfam ” ; but as usual you brush them off, thinking, “Oh, I'd never go to those stores, they're full of old junk, I'll never find anything there!” Well, what if I told you that charity shops are becoming a newfound treasure trove of trendy, sustainable fashion.

Well, it's true! With hundreds of trends on the rise, there's no better way to take advantage of the new vintage fashion than to delve into authentic vintage clothing that was actually made in the 80s and 90s, allowing you to fit in perfectly with the revival of the era's trends.

In addition, shopping second hand will also save your pocket and the planet with many charity shops selling items for under a pound you are guaranteed to find a bargain, sometimes you can even find designers selling at shockingly low prices !

Plus, charity shopping is a great alternative to landfill-clogging fast fashion as it preserves items that would otherwise be thrown away.

Finally, thrift shops are a great way to support local charities, you donate money and get a new item to use.

So next time you're looking for that perfect item, don't forget to check out these charity shops!


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