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Camden's Most Popular High Schools in September 2023

In the 2023/2024 academic year, 232 pupils chose Camden School for Girls (CSfG) as their first preference, but only 119 places were offered.

The last Ofsted inspection on June 8, 2022 rated the school as 'good', according to a report published in September that year.

We've looked at all ten high schools listed in state data by district and ranked them by popularity.

1. Camden School for Girls

At CSfG, 232 students put it as their first preference, but it offered only 119 places.

2. Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill School, in Highgate Road, had 180 places on offer but 206 pupils put it first. This meant that 37 were missed.

3. Auckland Burghley School

Acland Burghley School had 176 places applied for, but 210 prospective students put it as their first choice, meaning 34 missed out.

4. Regent High School

Regent High School there were a total of 176 seats and 155 students marked it as their first preference.

Related NEWS: Camden's most popular primary schools in September 2023

5. William Ellis

William Ellis had 129 places and 95 pupils who marked it as their first choice.

6. La Sainte Union

A total of 69 places were offered La Sainte Union and 34 students who marked it as their first choice.

7. Maria Fidelis Catholic School

Maria Fidelis had 132 places and 96 students who marked the school as their first choice.

8. Haverstock School

Haverstock School had 116 places and 79 students who put it as their first choice.

9. UCL Academy

188 places were offered at UCL Academy and 145 students identified it as their first choice.

10. Hampstead School

Hampstead School had a total of 186 places available, compared to 140 students who put it as their first choice.

The data used shows the number of applications and offers made for admission to secondary and primary schools in September 2023 and the proportion of students who received privileged offers.

It is collected from local authorities such as Camden Council and is based on the national offer days of 1 March 2023 (secondary) and 17 April of the same year (primary).


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