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Gavin Newsom Dismisses ‘Farcical’ Idea of Replacing Joe Biden on 2024 Democrat Ticket, Calling Discussion ‘Distressing

Gavin Newsom has rejected suggestions that he could replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket as ‘farcical’ and expressed dismay over having to address questions about the 81-year-old’s potential replacement.

Speaking to DailyMail.com on the red carpet at CNN’s spin room ahead of the presidential debate in Atlanta between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the Californian Governor dismissed the speculation. Newsom, often seen as a potential future presidential candidate himself, initially praised Biden’s achievements and criticized Trump.

When pressed by DailyMail.com about whether he would be willing to step in for Biden should the president decide not to seek re-election this year, Newsom dismissed the idea, calling it a ‘non sequitur’ and attributing it to diversion tactics by the political right.

‘This is a President of the United States running for re-election. He’s our guy,’ Newsom emphasized. He expressed frustration with what he described as trivializing important discussions about democracy and freedom.

‘It’s really distressing to me as an American citizen, not just as a Democrat,’ Newsom added, particularly criticizing the speculative focus on Biden’s age, which he deemed a distraction from more crucial political issues.

Newsom praised Biden’s record, highlighting economic achievements and policy advancements under his administration. He contrasted Biden’s vision for the future with what he characterized as a bleak alternative represented by Trump’s candidacy.

Addressing concerns about Biden’s mental acuity, Newsom dismissed criticisms and defended Biden’s performance, particularly citing a recent incident where Biden appeared momentarily disoriented at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

‘The weaponization of these clips was ridiculous,’ Newsom told CNN, defending Biden’s rigorous schedule and performance. He underscored Biden’s competence and effectiveness in private and public settings alike.

Overall, Newsom reaffirmed his support for Biden’s presidency and criticized what he perceived as attempts to undermine Biden’s candidacy through unwarranted speculation and attacks on his age and fitness.

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