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UK & World

Investment in General Practice, Northern Ireland 2018-19 to 2022-23


The Department of Health today published figures for Investment in General Practice, Northern Ireland 2018-19 to 2022-23.

This is the fourth time that investment in general practice, including the reimbursement for drugs dispensed in general practices in Northern Ireland, has been published by the Department of Health.  Previously, country level information from all 4 UK countries was published by NHS Digital#.  However, changes to general practice contractual arrangements in each country over recent years mean the data are no longer comparable. As a result, the UK series has been discontinued.

Key Points

In 2022-23, the total investment in general practice in Northern Ireland, including the reimbursement of drugs dispensed in general practice, was Pound 374.775m.  Compared to 2021-22, this represents a decrease in the total investment in GP practices of 0.82 per cent in Northern Ireland.  In real terms this equates to a decrease of 6.92 per cent.

In 2022-23, in response to the recommendation in the report of the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration (DDRB), a 4.5% uplift was applied for GP pay and practice staff expenses and a 3.0% uplift for other expenses.  This represents an investment of Pound 10.866m. 

# NHS Digital legally merged with NHS England on 1st February 2023.  All references to NHS Digital now, or in the future, relate to NHS England. NHS England has assumed responsibility for all activities previously undertaken by NHS Digital

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